Wednesday, December 25, 2013

When you miss him

or miss the times you had, the memories shared, think about how he wasn't giving you what you wanted. All you wanted was his time. You were ready to offer him your world, but he wasn't willing to compromise his. Remember that, and remember why you are so much better and happier off without him. Give yourself a little more credit, D. It takes two to keep a relationship alive and you couldn't have gone on any longer pretending you were okay with everything.  If he was willing to make time for his new friends and position, he should have found the time to treat you like a queen, the girl who's always been there for him even though everyone else knew she deserved better. And he fail to realize that, so forget the loser and find someone better. You can do better. Never settle, and never forget the lessons this has taught you.

Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Advice from a friend

"Whoever he likes shouldn't be on your mind anymore you've moved on, and even though you may always have some feelings for him, there is no reason why you should dislike her. You dislike the fact that he likes her, but she hasn't done anything. I know it's hard, but if you are really ok with you and him being apart, you KNOW he isn't the right one for you, so any girl he is with is of no relevance to you. And if you look on the flip side, she might feel a bit uncomfortable around you too so I don't think you should spend energy hating her."