Friday, September 21, 2012

Third Year To-Do List

As you may or may not know, I will be entering my third year at UCLA! A new year with new experiences and goals to achieve. I have always been a fan with going back to school in the fall; the thought of it is too beautiful: new boys, new clothes, new classes, new friends..makes me feel like I'm in high school all over again. But just as much as I reminisce high school, I absolutely LOVE college. I love starting school once again, because I get to see all of my friends. I absolutely adore my college friends, my college campus, just everything about it. It makes me feel busy and successful and ambitious at the same time, so I decided to make a list of all the things to be accomplished this year.

  1. Tailgate a football game.
  2. Go to a masquerade ball!
  3. Travel abroad. Anywhere, please
  4. UCLA v. USC football game
  5. Attend a wild Halloween party. With classy costumes ;)
  6. Roadtrip to Nor cal! (possibly visit Berkeley?)
  7. Research, research, research. Intern. Something
  8. Holi Festival! I've never been to one of these before :(
  9. Host a kickback at my apartment.
  10. Professionally get my hair colored.
  11. Dinner for Strangers.
  12. Vegas? Maybeee
  13. Tunneling. It's time to break those rules.
  14. Hit the gym, at least ten times each quarter.
  15. Get some rec letters going ;)
  16. Fall Training Conference (it's always fun!)
  17. Travel to the Big Apple and visit my best friend.
  18. Ice blocking, again and again and again.
  19. Splash in the fountain! Never been done, but I've always wanted to
  20. Highlighter Party; Highlighter Party!!
  21. Go to a rave with my homegirls
  22. The GROVE!!! During winter time when the pretty lights are out.
  23. Get a 4.0 GPA for at least one quarter.

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