Saturday, February 2, 2013

The COMPLETE UCLA College Experience

Hi, I'm Denise and I'm a third year.  There are a lot of things that I've experience during my three years here at UCLA that I would consider life-changing and there are a lot of things I am determine to try before graduating next year.

College is an amazing time to get outside of your comfort zone and try out new experiences. You are at the prime of your youth, so why not make the most of it and enjoy your time at one of the most beautiful campuses in the world? Here, I have compiled a list of 10 things you should definitely check out during the four years that you are here. :)

  1. Unicamp: Become a camp counselor to underprivileged kids for a week! Build future leaders from the get-go and inspire the children to become the best they can be.  I honestly cannot describe all the feels I get from doing Unicamp--it was probably one of my most life changing experiences to see how I can impact a young boy/girl's perspective on life and to show them their opportunities are endless.  Although it did take a lot of time and commitment, it was definitely worth every second of it in the end :)
  2. Dance Marathon: Take a stand against AIDS and dance for 26 hours straight.  It's about time we find the cure and eradicate this disease off the face of earth.
  3. UCLA vs. USC: basketball game, football game, anything!! Whether you tailgate, or camp out for tickets, seeing the LA-SC rivalry at its finest is something you do not want to miss.
  4. Ice blocking at Jans Steps: Is it illegal? Who knows. Is it dangerous? Probably. But it sure is a lot of fun. Grab a group of friends and a big block of ice and sled down the grassy hill by Jans Steps. It is exciting, thrilling and electrifying.
  5. Dinner for 12 Strangers: A fancy dinner with 12 people you've never met. Alumni, undergraduate, and graduate from all walks of life sharing one meal together. Talk about diversity! Make sure you sign up right when the email comes out. Don't hesitate. I was hesitant my first two years here and wasn't able to secure a spot, but I am going this year for the first time.
  6. Tunneling: This is definitely not allowed, but if you are bored at midnight and feeling adventurous and risk-taking, grab a flashlight and explore the underground pathways of UCLA.
  7. Perform in a culture night: So many culture nights. Oh, but the thrill of performing on stage for 500+ people!
  8. Undie run: Must I explain? It happens at the end of every finals on a Wednesday. So if your finals are already done, get undressed and join in on this exciting adventure. ;)
  9. Explore the roof of ALL of the buildings: MS, Boelter, Broad, Royce (I've only been on top of MS and Boelter)
  10. Study abroad: why not. You only live once, so might as well explore the world. If you are a south campus major, there is a physics program in England that you should look into (advice I wish someone told me when I was a first year) All you gotta do is plan ahead and apply immediately once the program opens up.

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