Thursday, July 26, 2012

Can we get away? Far away.

Sometimes I wish I can get away. Just to escape this place I call home for a day, a week, a year and then come home to a newly refurbish place, with cool leather couches, a polished hardwood floor, a room of my own, painted in something other than boring white. Come home to spacious rooms, newly painted, bathrooms, clean and shiny, grass, crisp and green.

This summer, more than ever, I feel ashamed of my house. Living in the dorms where everything is new and clean and in my grasp, to visiting my friends' houses where the rooms are newly remodeled and decorated. Then coming home to my mom constantly complaining how shitty our place looks, how my dad lacks motivation and imagination to reorganize everything, how she doesn't have time to rearrange the stack of old shit buried in the corner to how rusty our fences are, how we don't see all the cracks in the wall as she does. In fact, we do. Or at least I do. But I feel powerless to change anything. If I could, I would sort through everything and throw away all the unnecessary junk accumulating over the past 20 years of my life. Maybe if I could, I'd paint over the walls to some hip color. Or clean the rooms, weed the gardens... I can't because I feel that this is YOUR place and I don't know where any shit is. You store away things in your own secret corner and if I ask you, it's always such a hassle.

Maybe that's the reason why I always feel so powerless when I'm at home. I mean, it's nice to have a place to stay and parents to provide for you, but I'm a growing young woman. My mature mind is processing and pretty soon I think I need my own space to decorate. Every night I come home crawling back into my little hole in the ground, waiting for the next day to come. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy my house but I always feel like there's something more to it that could be done. But what could I do--a poor college student whose going to be in serious debt by the time she finishes her undergrad. What can I possibly do knowing fully well that I'm going to be in deeper debt by the time I finish pharmacy school. What is there to do? I want so much more than I can afford: a new point and shoot, a fancy wristwatch, shoes... simple things by society's standards. Money to occasionally eat out and enjoy life with friends, to buy beautiful clothes to stay in style, to shower my family with gifts, I'm living on a day to day basis. Currently not working, but once I start working in August, once school starts, I have rent to pay, bills, tuition, books to worry about... demands way  too high to meet my meek wages.

I wish there was a way to make decent money at such a young age. Something to help my parents to compensate for my daily demands. Something to give me hope that one day my loans will be paid off. Something to reassure me that my future is reachable, that my Pharm D. is worth it. That the 200K debt I'll be in, will be paid off within a year or two. That when I start my own family, I can afford a house, a car and everything else without having to struggle over how my kids will live through the next day. Don't we all wish the same thing? Isn't it all part of the American Dream? Struggle now so hopefully the younger generations don't have to struggle? Everyone's thinking of it, I'm not the first to feel the weight of the world on my shoulders. I'm digging deeper into this hole; hopefully one day, I can crawl out and bury it with my success.

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