Sunday, January 27, 2013

Do good, feel good

Yesterday, despite the lack of exciting events, I had a surprisingly good time. Woke up early and got some good two/three hours of studying done. Prepared a delicious VEGETARIAN meal. Went to a service event with Circle K (literally, my second service event this entire school year) where we cook a scrumptious meal for Turning point (transitional housing for homeless people) It makes me miss doing service, serving the older community. After that, we hit up dorm dinner (service with uclacki=free meal afterwards) and ate for hours, laughing at Connie's and Jeremy's horrible jokes about dead babies and dirty pick up lines. Although I didn't get much studying the rest of the night, I got several donations from people for Dance marathon ^_^ that were totally unexpected and it ultimately made my night. I ended the night online shopping for an MK watch that I will soon add to my collection as a birthday gift. Life is good. :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

  1. Focus on being more happy and positive. Happiness needs to start inwards. Learn to be happy with myself. 
  2. Less is more. Post less on facebook. Less pictures, posts, everything. Disappear from certain social media. Less complaining on twitter too
  3. Hit the gym! Seriously. It's on everyone's resolutions and it's on mine too :p
  4. Exercise patience and bitch less. Especially to my parents and the young kids at temple.
  5. Smile more. See Resolution #1